The new SMP can be found VIA the main hub and the right side together with the other servers! The server took a long time and is awesome it is a first 1.19.2 server in the TechPvP family.
Skywars is currently a minigame that is under maintenance and will be either completely re-made or replaced by a different minigame so you should definitely be hyped for that as it is gonna be awesome!
New minigame:
In the upcoming days a new minigame is gonna release it is gonna happen along with the Skywars update. This new minigame will either re-place skywars or will be a completely new addition so definitely be excited for that!
Feel free to drop ideas for new minigames or anything below and I hope you have a nice day! Your TechPvP admin team!
I have finnaly finished the long work on the network and its release is today here will be a list of all the updates that were done!
1. New website including forums please everyone register verify your email and your minecraft account! If you already have/had a rank please open a ticket and you will automatically get the rank/role on the forums and all its perks!
2. Network/server re-work a lot has changed including the lobby the KitPvP map and some other stuff! There will also be more events hosted and also a new update should be released pretty soon from this one so be excited!
3. More rank perms! Every existing rank owner will receive all of these perks also for completely free! They will get automatically updated...
4. There is a lot of new improvements/tweaks that has been done!
5. If you encounter any bugs or anything please contact me or create a ticket or use the bug reports forum!
Thank you and have fun your TechPvP Admin team!
Chat Abuse
Abusive language, inappropriate topics or jokes, misleading information, or any kind of spam (including switching locations).
Advertising third-party websites, servers, discord names/tags, social media, or giveaways.
Threatening to or actively doxing, DDOSing, harassing or blackmailing others, sharing personal information, or sending malicious links.
Unfair Advantages
Disallowed modifications, macros, bug abuse, exploiting, boosting, scripting, or punishment evading.
Account Abuse
Selling, trading, giving away any accounts, or sharing accounts between players.
Game Abuse
Cross-teaming, team-griefing, encouraging rule-breaking, inappropriate builds or drawings.
Inappropriate Content and Cosmetics
Capes, skins, usernames.
Game Trading
Trading game content, items, currency, services or accounts via third party websites, or external/outside game trading.
Welcome to the TechPvP Network!
Please read all the rules and everything carefully! I hope you have a great time and don't forget to visit all the tabs!