Chat Abuse
Abusive language, inappropriate topics or jokes, misleading information, or any kind of spam (including switching locations).
Advertising third-party websites, servers, discord names/tags, social media, or giveaways.
Threatening to or actively doxing, DDOSing, harassing or blackmailing others, sharing personal information, or sending malicious links.
Unfair Advantages
Disallowed modifications, macros, bug abuse, exploiting, boosting, scripting, or punishment evading.
Account Abuse
Selling, trading, giving away any accounts, or sharing accounts between players.
Game Abuse
Cross-teaming, team-griefing, encouraging rule-breaking, inappropriate builds or drawings.
Inappropriate Content and Cosmetics
Capes, skins, usernames.
Game Trading
Trading game content, items, currency, services or accounts via third party websites, or external/outside game trading.